The March of the Ents… in the West End

21 04 2010

Comox & Chilco 1

“Wow, you really got that Lord of the Rings thing going on with that tree out there!”

Thus spoke my Winnipegger friend upon visiting me for the first time in my new apartment. “It looks like those roots could take over the whole block!”  Until then, I had been having trouble befriending my new apartment.  While the place itself is in an exciting location, Chilco and Comox, the primary view is of a giant white Soviet-bloc style building, and this was nonplussing me.  But there was this tree too, branches bare at that time in early March, and with so many adjustments to my new environment, I had never really looked at this beauteous, gnarly, mossy sentinel right outside my balcony.  Suddenly, awoken by my friend’s comment, this tree was inviting me to other-wordly imaginings that included The March of the Ents…and my apartment, accordingly, became a magical abode.

Comox & Chilco 2

During our ensuing tree-human courtship, I’ve realized this tree had practical intrigue as well.  In full greenery, it offers a lovely view, blocking out many of the fishbowl apartment windows across the street.  It houses a pair of raccoons from time to time, which like to hang out in its lower branches (maximizing the cuteness, minimizing the pestilence, yes!).  Its tenacious, crazy roots braiding patterns down the concrete-lined boulevard are a daily reminder that good, growing things find a way to break through in spite of it all.  And that magic might be possible.

– Catherine B.



One response

22 04 2010
Neylan Architecture

Great post – very interesting thoughts

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